Ocean’s fury

One of my most favorite times to go out and shoot is after or during a stormy day, when the ocean unleashes its fury sending the waves crashing against the rocky cliffs.

Angry cock

He’s got the look that says “watch out if i get out of here. You’re dead!” but boy, i love the look in his eyes!

Long Neck

A woman from the Long Neck Karen hill tribe in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand wears a spiral brass coil around her neck as part of their tradition. Girls start wearing the brass coil spirals at five years old, and more coils are added as the girls grow up.

Just Fly

Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.

I need a haircut

Saipan, CNMI This goat with long hair wrapped all around its body attracted most of the crowd’s attention at the Agricultural Fair held at the Civic  Center Grounds in Susupe, Saipan today.  


noosed, a photo by ontheraks (slow and getting slower waaa) on Flickr. Via Flickr: Laolao Bay Golf Resort weddings Saipan, CNMI

Cliffside weddings

Cliffside weddings, a photo by ontheraks (slow and getting slower waaa) on Flickr. Via Flickr: Laolao Bay Golf & Resort weddings Kagman, Saipan Northern Mariana Islands

am waving at you!!! lol

am waving at you!!! lol, a photo by ontheraks (slow and getting slower waaa) on Flickr. Via Flickr: a little spot somewhere in the middle right side is where i called home for the past six years…